Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Delinquent Youth Subculture - Gang Research Paper - 1
Delinquent Youth Subculture - Gang - Research Paper Example What is the response to youth gangs? The aim of this paper is to research the phenomenon of youth gangs in the American society. This requires providing answers to the questions above, supported by data from both primary and secondary sources. Structurally, I have organized the text into six main sections. The first part or Introduction outlines the aim and focus of the paper. The second section centers on the gangsââ¬â¢ origins and history, as well as explains what a gang is. The third part identifies the types of activities and behavior characteristic of a gang. The fourth section provides some theoretical background to the concept, while the fifth focuses on the societal response to the youth gangs phenomenon. Finally, I conclude the paper with the sixth section that sums up the paperââ¬â¢s findings. Scholarly sources abound with youth gang definitions, one of the earliest being that of Thrasher (1927). Thrasher explained that a gang should be understood as a spontaneously forming group that is not attached to any specific part of society (Thrasher, 1927). A more recent definition of gangs views the latter as groups that consist of individuals who recurrently associate and are subject to identifiable organization in leadership and internal matters. These groups also identify themselves with or claim to have control over a particular territory within a given community, and are known to engage in illegal (often violent) behavior individually or collectively (Miller, 1975). Youth gangs are also believed to be ââ¬Å"any denotable groups of youngsters who a) are generally perceived as a distinct aggregation by others in their neighborhood; b) recognize themselves as a denotable group (almost invariably with a group name); and c) have been involved in a sufficient number of delinquent incidents to call forth a consistent negative response from neighborhood agencies and/or enforcement agenciesââ¬
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Students Choice Of Stem Fields Education Essay
Students Choice Of Stem Fields Education Essay Abstract- In this paper we study the interest of students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from grade 9 to 12 in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Surveys were distributed to students who chose STEM tracks and students who chose non STEM tracks in public and private schools, as well as universities, across the country. The data collected revealed a number of reasons that make students like, or dislike, scientific majors. These reasons include the presence or absence of capable teachers, the influence of role models and the choice of the teaching language. The results presented in the paper also focus on differences between public and private institutions, male and female students, as well as nationals and non-nationals. We also compare our findings to similar research done in the USA. We show that several factors remain valid in both countries whereas others are specific to each of them. This paper also provides suggestions on the way to overcome the challeng es in STEM field. Although this paper is based on data collected in United Arabs Emirates, the solutions can be applied to any other region of the world. Keywords STEM; Students survey; Engineering; UAE; Self efficacy; Role models; Peers; Parents, K-12. Introduction Many countries are currently attempting to improve their school systems, making the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) more important. This is seen as the key educational ingredient that will ensure innovations in future [1-6]. The suggested trend for 21st century national economies is to reach the penultimate label of being innovation based or knowledge based [1, 2]. According to the much heralded and respected The Global Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum, an innovation-driven state of any economy is the most sophisticated level to which it matures [1-3]. An innovation-driven economy is judged based on the sophistication of business and its ability to nurture technological creations [1-4]. The scientific survey points to the fact that in order for economies to be innovative, they must possess an advanced education system. Without this, innovation will be unobtainable [1-4]. In a concerted effort to diversify and strengthen its rising oil-based economy, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken upon itself to revamp its whole education system, especially in instruction of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics [4, 7]. The United Arabs Emirites is not a leading contributor in science and technology developments in the Middle East [7, 8]. Though there has been debate over the nature, scale, and to a degree the existence of this problem, most experts seem in agreement that the problem is real and increasing with time [9, 10]. In UAE, the lowering trend of STEM interested students attaining degrees will negatively affect the workforce available for industry [4, 8]. Therefore, UAEs educational system must provide highly skilled STEM workers in order to reach its 2030 Vision of becoming a self-sustaining and innovative economy [4]. Although STEM subjects may be taught with the utmost vigor and high aspirations, this does not guarantee that the studen ts will major in STEM fields and become innovative and productive members of STEM professions [5, 6]. There are many barriers or switch-off factors that affect students choices of studies for further education and/or future careers. This paper consists a starting point for an ongoing research into modeling the interest of UAEs students in the STEM, as done in [5] with regards to the USA education system. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we discuss previous results in literature related to the topic. In Section 3, we introduce the research methods adopted for the sake of collecting the required data. In Section 4, we analyze the results and compare our findings to existing ones. In section 5, we provide the results and the conclusions arrived at from the study In section 6, we provide various suggestions on solving the existing problems. In section 7, we provide the limitations of the study. In section 8, we conclude with several remarks and an outlook for upcoming research projects. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Recently, there has been existence of initiatives and publications related to the overall understanding and the experiences of minority particularly doctoral students. The University of Arizona researched the considerations that students take as they decide to apply to a course in a graduate school [11]. The sample population of the research comprised of students who applied in Arizona and the responses varied out by gender and race (Minority versus White). The top aspects for all applicants in the doctorate program included department reputation, correspondence between student interests and degree program, research conducted by an individual faculty associate, whether there is accreditation of the program, departments receptiveness to questions, overall school reputation, and other external forces. For the minority, on the other hand, aspects such as recommendations from faculty to other institutions, printed resources from the department, and propinquity to the home of the students were highly vital than they were for the overall population. For minority and women, the reaction of a program to the question posed by the applicant also played a highly crucial role. Therefore, the appropriate recruitment of underrepresented teams demands different training and techniques that what is crucial for the majority set [11]. The University of Maryland has published their judgments about victorious programs to create a diverse doctoral student institution on the organization [12]. Some of the programs include Professoriate (AGEP) and Maryland Alliance for Graduate Education. These programs are modeled around comparable successful programs for graduates at other institutions. From these programs, the researchers found some components to be particularly imperative in sustaining minor students before and after graduating. These components include: preparation of graduate learning (application support and GRE); graduate admission (changing the admission strategies); graduate program selection (factors to take in consideration); peer support (with a student who has advanced in the students disciplines and also through interdisciplinary circumstances); summer bridge programs (bonding of students and academic preparation assessment); faculty role models and mentors( from the students research advisor and from ot her department); stable and adequate staff support, professional development and financial support (support needed for the student to pursue in his desired discipline); and exposure to the occupation (funding to yield successful minority graduates to campus for a long or short period, funding towards travelling to professional conferences). It is significant to note that these components focus more on altering the doctoral programs in the university, other than of forcing the students to change [12]. In addition to the research done by these universities, some non-academic institutions have put focus on issues relating to students joining universities. The Woodrow Wilson Foundation produced a report in 2005 on minorities in doctoral programs [14] and doctoral programs in general [13]. The Foundation established four vital factors that institutions have put in use for improving doctoral education [13]. These are: new practices (the means at which they can make aspects of doctorial training be developmental); new paradigms (what promotes or discourages truly exploratory scholarship?); new partnerships (improved relationship between the sectors that employ doctorate recipients and academia); and new people (the doctorate should ensure that all people in the population feel incorporated and their researches are socially applicable). Putting these issues into consideration, the Foundation concludes that the doctoral experience will advance for all students despite their gender and rac e. Underlying the four factors are four principles studied in the report and that has practical application in the institutions. These principles include: Universities should possess a centralized and strong graduate school with imperative power and budge; the graduates should be seen in a vacuum with little or no concern for how the research is affected by or affects the society; students form different backgrounds should be included in these programs; and there should be regular assess of doctoral programs using rational rewards, objectives and consequences. While some institutions follow these principles, others do not follow them. Therefore, through the analyzed report, the Foundation anticipates causing change in the operations and mentality of these institutions so that they can alter the reality of education. Also, the Foundation recommends the use of seven principles to improve the experiences and recruitment of minority doctorate students: research, communication, intellectual support, professionalizing experiences, vertical integration, leadership, and mixture of race and gender [14]. It is crucial for programs to communicate efficiently so that they have a position to share best practices and resources. Additionally, students should conduct research in order to analyze how programs work and what to add so that they can perform better than before. Vertical integrations analyzes how k-12, undergraduate, and graduate programs should work together to ensure that students engage often and early with them. The Foundation recommends that, in intellectual support, the doctorate should be socially responsive ad should also improve the picture of the programs so that they can become attractive to a large audience. The issue of professionalizing experiences and monitoring consists of issues rela ted to the relations between a student and his or her advisors, as well as issues on finance that might push a student away form the chances to interact with his or her professional colleagues. Race and gender principal describes how graduates should try to take in consideration race as well as the requirement in admission, programs, and financial help, other than concentrating on the need as several programs do in order to evade negative views of confirmatory action. Finally, leadership principle focuses on the government and its agencies so that they can provide better oversight and assistance on the use of national funds. Leadership principle imperative for it ensures that there is right usage of funds on the desired programs and people. Whilst some of these principles are close to those suggested by the Foundation, some of them are specifically focusing to the minority experience [14]. The Council for Graduates Schools lately founded the Ph.D. Completion project to scrutinize issues relates to time to degree and retention of students in doctoral programs [15]. This program has corporate funding from Ford and Pfizer. Students in various degree programs from a group of universities were set as a sample population. Then there was the distribution of surveys to get an improved understanding of the experiences of students who graduates and who leave their studies without graduating. From the original research for the project, the satisfying practices that they put across were the utilization of the mentoring, program environment, research processes, mode, and procedures, and financial support. These practices support the points put across by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. Finally, a private-public partnership referred to as Building Engineering and Science Talent (BEST) has an analysis of the practices that work well to maintain the underrepresented students in STEM fields [16]. These experimental practices include targeted recruitment, institutional leadership, peer support, personal attention, engaged faculty, bridging to the next point, enriched research experience, and personal evaluation and continuous program [16]. Science education among the United States residents lags extremely behind than that of other developed nations. Implicit notion of this statement is that the quality of science literacy in USA elementary and high schools is not as precise compared to European and Asian countries. Students, specifically those of ethnic and racial descents, have little perceptive of science terms such as DNA and photosynthesis, or even the straightforward fact the earth rotates around the sun. Reasonably, an understanding of a scientific idea is lacking among the entire population but particularly among low income and minority students [17]. Aggravating the circumstance is unawareness on the part of science educators of the slight misconceptions that these students bring to the classroom which make it complex for them to theoretically grab scientific resources. Consequently, the number of competent students to learn science, engineering and mathematics after secondary school graduation is remarkably ne gligible. There is the use of aforementioned best observations and practices to inform the questions used in this research. As discussed earlier in the Introduction section, this study seeks to better understand the experiences of STEM and non STEM graduates and the factors that facilitate their decisions to move along pathways leading towards professoriate. It also focuses on the underrepresented students in the STEM fields and clearly brings out the factors that make students pursue or not to pursue in STEM fields. In order to tackle this to completion, there is the distribution of surveys whose responses will conclude the findings of the study. RELATED WORK Various studies exist with different suggestions about the reasons why students choose to study or not to study STEM fields. These studies point out several reasons why students pursue or do not pursue with STEM fields after completion of their secondary education. There exist some cognitive factors that affect students choice of majors. Firstly, their attitudes and beliefs towards STEM disciplines play a crucial role on this. Emotional, psychological, behavioral and physiological propensities which reveal an individuals perceptions and responses to, interaction with his immediate background define cognitive dispositional features. Earlier studies found that there is relationship between two cognitive aspects in the completion and enrolment of unnecessary (or college preparatory) mathematics and science courses- students self efficacy concerning science and mathematics topics and their interests in both [18]. More studies [19] show that all ethnic groups possess similar aspirations a nd positive fields for STEM occupations. On the other hand, as minority students continue with their academic disciplines, their interest in mathematics and science related topics decrease as their achievement in these classes weakens. Self efficacy is another cognitive factor that affects the choice of students major. Empirical researches show that students have a high possibility to sign up for science courses if they maintain high ranks of self efficacy in the science area [18]. The possibility of choosing science or engineering courses enhances with students awareness that they possess mathematics background or a solid science and in the certainty that they have the capability to perform best in those disciplines. Self efficacy is the strongest forecaster in the consideration of STEM disciplines as a career choice. Reference [19] validates the motivation and significance of self efficacy in foretelling performance in science and mathematics. Minority students possess lower self efficacy in mathematics and science than the other students. Minority students in STEM fields have complication when it comes to perceiving themselves as scientists, even after expressing their interest in STEM careers [20]. One of the most commonly cited rationales for inspiring students to enjoy STEM subjects is good teaching that involves capable teachers [5, 6, 21-24]. The teachers capability can be defined as his/her role and personality in the approach to delivering the academic curriculum [21-24]. The learning environment, or the relationship between the learner and teacher, dictates the outlook of the potential STEM and non STEM interested students. For example, educators who are aware that memorization of content may not be the best method of assessment for learners and diverse methods of pedagogy should be taken into account to reach multiple intelligences tend to produce students who may be more successful [6, 21-24]. According to reference [25], anxiety of mathematics and science has its origins in teaching and in teachers of science and mathematics. Explaining this, they argue that students do not have anxiety before attending school hence, they relate this to the teaching method and the not ion that science and mathematics is somewhat dreaded from the first years learning of a child. Adults and teachers may emphasize that science related fields are hard, whereas they indicate that the skills attained from the field are vital for future accomplishment. If unqualified teachers are forced to teach science related courses, they project signals to students hence scaring students to pursue or complete theses majors [25]. Frequently, students encounters with STEM can force them to feel incompetent especially when presented by educators who do not like STEM. Some teachers may not possess the preparedness to deal with psychological fear of STEM, nor do they have preparedness to handle the defense strategies and mechanisms their students utilize to defend themselves from appearing to fail in STEM. Prior academic preparation often affects the students choice of fields to major. In most cases, student decides that a major in the STEM is not he would like to pursue. The uncertainty to stay enrolled in a STEM field is probably influenced by the students attending mathematic training prior to registering in an institution and his academic aptitude. More exclusively, student achievement in the structure of a grade point and math SAT performance is in association with the persistence of students in STEM majors [26]. Students who earn high math SAT score do not only perform high ranks of participating in mathematics and science clubs but also enrolled in more advanced courses and were more engaged in math and science activities in secondary school. Students with prior academic preparation in STEM have more chances to pursue in majors of STEM disciplines. Studies also show that lack of enough science and mathematical training at the secondary and elementary level has a negative effect on the students interesting secondary mathematics as well as academic preparation, science coursework and in majoring in STEM fields [18, 27]. In conjunction to the aforesaid prevalence of tracking of minority students into the lower class science and mathematics disciplines, it seems that the quality of the academic readiness many minority students receive has a negative impact from the differences among school funding, teachers quality, and money spent on instructional programs. Minority students in most cases get taught by teachers who do not major in that field or even inexperienced teachers who pursue the fields. Minorities have more possibility of receiving funding discriminations in the K-12 education compared to other students [28]. This is because the systems used for funding do not give equal amounts every student exposing minority students to risk of acquiring less funding. Hence, these students have a greater exposure to high quality, challenging mathematics instructions , further daunting their interest in science or mathematics [28]. Commitment of the student to STEM major also has a role in determining whether the student may pursue the major or not. The emphasis on the students involvement to a particular major one enrolled, as in STEM), is as crucial as developing an early interest in STEM disciplines in K-12. A tough involvement to a STEM degree is a persuasive predictor of student perseverance [26]. Minorities who express deep satisfaction with science and engineering as their field of study (or committed to STEM careers) have high possibility of persisting in STEM disciplines. Amazingly, though, researcher points that serving as a leader or role model on campus discouraged students commitment to STEM. The student who put more emphasis on leadership or services is more likely to turn to non STEM majors. One could contemplate that effort and time that is essential to succeed in mathematics and science related field is very challenging leaving less time for students social incorporation on college. Involvement in such areas like political groups, student government or athletic support teams pulls students away from their laboratory and study time [29]. Misperception of STEM disciplines also has an extreme effect on the students decision on the major to pursue. Minority students utilize various criteria when defining an effective curricular program [30]. Non minority student scrutinize general coursework as college or academic preparatory courses and start to develop occupational and educational as untimely as eighth score and start making occupational pronouncement like engaging in extracurricular activities and college-prep courses. However, minorities perceive overall coursework as separate from extracurricular activities taken at one time during secondary school [30]. Another commonly cited reason why students are turned off by STEM subjects is the obsession to receive high marks [31]. Due to the relative difficulty of receiving high grades in STEM classes in comparison to other subjects, students are often discouraged from taking STEM subjects.Ã As a result, students emphasis on achieving high grades outweighs their interest in taking subjects related to Science and Mathematics. Consequently, they abandon their interest in STEM majors [32]. In addition, many studies provide insight into the switch-off factors, showing that they might come from the influence exerted by the parents, students peer groups within and outside school, role models and the media. Researchers in [33] suggest that families play a critical role in the career choice of their children. The educational background, occupations and aspirations of the parents are important factors, introducing the concepts of cultural and social capital to this process [34-36]. Encouragement from the parent is one of the strongest forces that facilitate the students early education aspirations. It is not surprising if a student whose parent studied and worked in STEM field decides to choose STEM discipline as his major. This happens because those parents help to instill the belief that STEM careers are successful and applicable in peoples lives. Though in [37] the researchers found no impact on female students from exclusively the level of education of their parents, the y did find a vital impact of parental encouragement and support. It is clear that children have a high possibility of choosing gender-atypical courses if their parents have slight education. It is crucial to note that gender stereotyping can result as an influence from parents. In [21, 38, 39] it has been shown that students are influenced by their peers who often stress the uncool aspects of STEM thus preserving negative stereotyping. Reference [38] found that peer achievement positively affects students achievement in academic. For instance, a peer attitude towards mathematics increases, so does an individuals attitude towards mathematics. At an early stage of development, parents sustain their place as the premier social power for their kids, but as the children grow, their peers take the influential role [39]. Deviant peers may expose the deviance behavior from one person to another in the peer group. This brings up the proposal of curriculum tracking: putting students in levels or classes based on their achievement or ability level, or particularly not doing so, turns out to be an appealing topic when scrutinized through the angle of influential peer support. If peers attend the same classes, they have a higher possibility of meeting than if they never shares classes. Added to the overall secondary school spectrum is homophonous character of social networks, a widely accepted phenomenon that measures the tendency of the English proverb that says that birds of the same feather flocks together. For all students, social life in secondary schools and universities becomes an entire world of challenges and issues [39]. The role of role model is clear when it comes to influencing a students choice on the career to major. The idea of role models partly cover that of peers, although a role model can be any other individual who puts inspiration to the student while a peer is a person with similar age with the student or with similar stand in the course of life. Role models in the life of a student can be teachers, parents, peers, people in same the neighborhood, or other kin. Just as with the capability of grouping in classes, some students selection of role models is advantageous while not in others. In addition, just like many others factors in life, socio-economic status often determine the opportunities and choices of role models. Role models possess the power to influence children choices of future careers, education, overall behavior, and can condemn or support gender biased judgments, which becomes particularly significant for adolescent girls. As reference [40] explains that, starting from fema le teachers to female professionals to mothers or other female relatives employed in STEM fields, they offer a tangible image of what is achievable for adolescent girls in their lives. Family support highly influenced the effect that the enrichment agenda had on female students. Perceptions and characterization of STEM in the media also play a significant role in the acceptance and rejection of STEM.Ã In [36, 41] the media is accused of igniting and perpetuating negative stereotypes about STEM. There is a stigmatization of its degree of difficulty and a reinforcement of the perception that STEM is only for the academic elite. Nevertheless, considerable portions of youth are positively influenced by the media [42, 43]. Another often cited reason for losing interest in the STEM is the absence of technology based instruction in classrooms. Often, students report that they choose other majors simply because of the meager quality of instruction they get at the college level. However, a positive contentment of a students academic program is one of the foremost factor in attainment of degree for both major and non minor students. Research proves that as minority students identify their STEM fields as pleasant, they are likely to persist in studying those courses ignoring their complexity [44]. Researchers in [44] insist that the lack of modern technological infrastructure in the classrooms retards the growth of STEM-interested students. Active learning and positive use of technology to enhance professional developments, e.g. using online resources/mentors, computer-assisted instruction, service-learning, can help transform traditional, lectured-based pedagogy into well-received, interesting STEM classes [45-49]. A rescheduled consequence of the students interest and commitment in his field is that it helps the faculty in teaching classes and unlocks opportunities for students to carry out research independently or in conjunction with the faculty [45]. In response, these experiences serve to enhance the students fulfillment with their faculty members, majors and their general academic understanding. Among the majors in biology science, the presence of a student centered faculty is in question relating to the general fulfillment of student with the faculty and curriculum. Enhancement of satisfaction with faculty happens to follow various factors as, for instance, the anticipation that regardless of the major which the students choose. Among physical fields of system, the presence of a strong faculty research only helps to discourage students to pursue the major and to have dissatisfaction with their study program. While some researchers theorized that the finding is probably the outc ome of the principal utilization of teaching educators among research faculty, a more satisfactory assumption is that the major of attention paid to scientific investigation and findings is not what the students waited for in class [47]. Financial support also plays a huge role in determining whether a student will pursue in STEM major or in non STEM major. Basically, STEM disciplines take a longer period of time to complete than other non STEM fields. Therefore, intervention of financial aid has to be present to encourage the student to pursue in these disciplines. As such, the significance of financial aid on keeping students enrolled and interested in STEM careers or majors is clear. Adequate financial support is one of the main factors related to the perseverance of minority students in STEM disciplines [48]. The type of institution that a student attends is also of great significance when it comes to making a decision to pursue STEM disciplines . Students who attend community colleges are more probably not to major in STEM disciplines. From the research, it is evident that student who enroll in four year institutions are more likely to complete their STEM studies that those who attend community colleges [48]. Furthermore, researcher in [50] points to the role that gender and stereotypes play into the retention of women in STEM college programs. Researchers in [51-53] also point to the lack of women in STEM college programs due to negative stereotypes about women in STEM careers , e.g. STEM is a mens only field and women cant think analytically.Ã Existence of negative stereotype in the society saddens students personal assessment skills, impacts his or her performance, and discourages the development made by them. Stereotypes impact students career aspirations and decisions, directing them away from degrees and careers in STEM disciplines. This can suggest that adjusting negative stereotypes about women in the STEM field by increasing the confidence of young women about their involvement in STEM may increase numbers of women successfully studying and working in STEM disciplines [50-55]. Ã Following the lack of in-depth field research about the factors that cause UAE students to choose STEM and non STEM fields, this paper considers the starting point of a research project that aims to determine which barriers emerge as the most prominent for United Arab Emirates students, between grades 9 and 12, being switched off STEM and pursuing further education or careers in the field. research Methods The methods of research for this project consisted of the following procedures meted out to both public and private schools. Since the United Arab Emirates is a socio-cultural collage of people originating from different nationalities, these surveys were sent to both institutional sectors, especially since the majority of expatriates attend private schools. Although differences and similarities arising among public/private schools, male/female, and Emirati/non-Emirati were compared and contrasted, the overall goal of the research, as reflected in the questionnaires, was to investigate what motivates students to pursue a STEM related education. Students from a representative sample pool answered a questionnaire that consisted of twenty-five questions. These questions are separated into six major categories. These categories are: Usefulness and value of STEM for students. Effective motivation of students for STEM majors. Students views on STEM related careers and salaries. External influences on students to pursue a STEM related major. Language in which STEM
Friday, October 25, 2019
Free College Essays - Psychological Approach to The Things They Carried :: Things They Carried Essays
The Psychological Approach to The Things They Carriedà à In Tim O' Brian's, The Things They Carried, he talks about the Vietnam War and it's effects country.à à O' Brian uses the psychological approach to tell the sorrows of war .à The things that they carried had all represented a part of each soldier.à In the days of the Vietnam war, they did not expect a woman to fight in a war. The story is better understood because the reader knows the background of the story and the characters personality.à The thought was just unacceptable and definitely not normal.à The two methods of interpreting a story fused together brings about a great understanding of the characters and the event which is about to take place. The deceitful interpretations presented, the things they carried, and a transformation of a dainty girl that turns into a survivor are examples of each method presented. The deceitful interpretation presented in "How to tell a true war story", is an example of Historicism.à Today, people hear about the vietnam warà through family members, friends and veterans.à When people tell war stories they try to make themselves seem victorious.à It makes the person listening feel as if it was all in the good of the people by killing people.à à à O'Brian somehow justifies a point in his book by stating,à à "A true war story is never moral.à It does not instruct, nor encouraged virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done."à à In actual reality more harm was done than good.à People were forced off of their lands to hide in safety and the economic consequence is fatal.à To derive to the point, O' Brian is saying there is no realà war story if the audience feels that killing people had made a big and better consequence.à To look back upon the Vietnam war it brought Vietnam to it's knees. The Americans assisted someone who asked them not to interfere and in the end there was no winner.à The Americans had nothing to gain by fighting this war.à The title was a contridictary of how to tell a true war story. As we carry on, we notice another example of the Historicism approachà in the story ofà Song Tra Bong.à At first the young American girl is presented as an average girl in the 60's.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Nursing Effectivness Concept Paper Essay
Walker & Avantââ¬â¢s methodology (2005) is used to analyze the concept of the word effective; this provides clarity to the meaning of the concept and identifies its unique attributes, particularly in relation to medical treatment. Antecedents and consequences of presumed effective medical treatment are discussed followed by empirical referents, which aid in illuminating the concept of effectiveness. Assumedly, ââ¬Å"effectiveâ⬠is an adjective most healthcare professionals and their patients would hope to use in describing the outcome of the treatment or the care provided. The purpose of this concept analysis is to understand that for physicians and nurses to provide truly effective treatment, it must attend to multiple needs of the patient, not just their illness. Not only is it important for healthcare providers to construct and implement a treatment plans, but also to involve patients in medical decision making about their treatment. To determine effectiveness, healthcare providers must assess how treatment of the illness effects the patient in addition to their own evaluation of treatment. The dictionary definitions of effective are (a) adequate to accomplish a purpose, producing the intended or expected result; (b) in operation or in force, functioning; (c) producing a deep or vivid impression; (d) prepared and available for service; and (e) a member of the armed forces fit for duty or active service (ââ¬Å"Effectiveâ⬠, n.d. a). According to Stedmanââ¬â¢s Medical Dictionary (2006), the medical definitions of effective are (a) the extent to which a treatment achieves its intended purpose; (b) A measure of the accuracy or success of a diagnostic or therapeutic technique when carried out in an average clinical environment. According to Wikipedia (n.d. b), the usage of effective includes (a) mathematics, can be used as a synonym of algorithmically computable; (b) physics, an effective theory is, similar to a phenomenological theory, a framework intended to explain certain effects without the claim that the theory correctly models the underlying processes; (c) heat transfer, effectiveness is a measure of the performance of a heat exchanger; (d) business/management, effectiveness relates to getting the right things done; (e) humanââ¬âcomputer interaction, the accuracy and completeness of users tasks while using a system; and (f) medicine, effectiveness relates to how well a treatment works in practice. This concept analysis will focus on effectiveness in relation to treating an illness and patient outcome. As previously stated, it is important to consider how treatments can also have an effect on the patient. A patientââ¬â¢s illness must acutely be treated, but it is imperative to also set long term goals so the most effective and desired outcome can be achieved. Walker & Avant (2005) describe defining, or critical attributes as the characteristics that are most frequently associated with a concept. These attributes are key factors that must be present in defining the concept that is analyzed. Literature reviewed helped determine the characteristics attributed to the concept of effective in terms of nursing and medical treatment including, being free of disease or illness, decreased discomfort and suffering, scientific support, and improved quality of life. Another characteristic of effective nursing and medical treatment that should be considered is cost. Patients are sometimes informed about optional medical treatments that are available, but experimental and not yet approved by the FDA, nor covered by oneââ¬â¢s medical insurance. There are many experimental treatments that have proven to be effective in curing illness but sadly, most cannot afford to pay for these treatments. This also applies if a personââ¬â¢s insurance does not cover a specific test, medicine, or treatment. A patientââ¬â¢s personal experience should also be taken into consideration; people with the same illness could receive the same therapy or treatment, but have different outcomes. An 11 year old boy presents to the emergency department with an obvious deformity to his left lower leg after falling off his bike, he is triaged and quickly seen by a physician for treatment. The physician puts a cast on his leg and informs the boyââ¬â¢s parents that his injury is not indicative of surgery and the bone should heal properly while casted. They are told to return in six weeks to have the cast removed and to evaluate the healing progression. The boyââ¬â¢s parents are then advised of activity restrictions, given a prescription for as needed pain medication and discharged home. They returned six weeks later and reported compliancy with the activity restrictions and he that only complained of pain the first couple days following the injury, which was managed well by the prescribed pain medication. The physicianââ¬â¢s reassessment of the patientââ¬â¢s leg indicated optimal healing had occurred and the cast was removed, thus achieving the desired outcome. This case identifies that the patientââ¬â¢s pain was well managed and restrictions on activity were followed. The outcome identifies the patient is free of injury and discomfort, and quality of life was not affected, modeling all the critical attributes indicative of effective treatment. An 18 year old male is transported to a hospital via ambulance for an injury he sustained while playing in his high schoolââ¬â¢s football game. It was is reported to the healthcare team that he was tackled to the ground by an opposing player and Due to the risk of injury to his spinal cord and the patient complaining of sever back pain, radiological tests were performed. Tests showed in addition to the injury sustained during the game, he also suffered from some degree of spinal stenosis. The physicians explained a need for immediate treatment as it was imperative to surgically repair the damage to his spine by undergoing a spinal fusion. The physicians also inform them in order to achieve optimal healing and reduce the risk of further, irreversible long term damage, he will be unable to play football again. This news is very upsetting for the patient because not only is he unable to play again, it was his dream to make football a career and was already accepted to college on a football scholarship. This patient was discharged from the hospital a week after his surgery with outpatient physical therapy sessions if needed and a prescription for pain medication. The healthcare team explained to the patient, despite the possibility of mild back pain, the surgical treatment he underwent was effective. The concept of effective treatment related to this patientââ¬â¢s injury is that of a borderline case. Although the outcome of his treatment restricts his physical activity, healthcare providers were able to successfully treat his injury with surgical intervention. Pain medication was prescribed to decrease any discomfort or pain that may occur because from experience and scientific data, healthcare providers are able to recognize what treatments are proven successful to achieve the best outcome for the patient. A 17 year old girl, suffering from anorexia and bulimia, is admitted to the hospital for the fifth time in seven months. Every admission, including this one, she has received enteral feedings to improve caloric intake and hemodynamic status. The psychological status of this patient is also evaluated by a hospital therapist in addition to ongoing outpatient treatment for her eating disorder. The patientââ¬â¢s parents voice their concerns to the healthcare team about her deteriorating health status and frustrations with outpatient therapy not being effective. They are concerned because even though her health status improves with the treatment she receives in the hospital, outpatient therapy is not helping her maintain it. The physicians recognize with her parentââ¬â¢s concerns and agree she needs intensive therapy from an inpatient facility that specializes in eating disorders. However, the patientââ¬â¢s insurance will not cover extended inpatient treatment and is too expensive for her parents to pay out of pocket, so they must continue treatment that has been seemingly ineffective to her recovery. The outcome in this scenario is that of a contrary case of effective nursing or medical treatment. Although this patient is always acutely treated, she is not free of her disease because she continues to purge food or not eat at all. Her quality of life is also effected due to multiple hospital admits and her daily struggle with food. This patientââ¬â¢s outpatient therapy shows to be ineffective and sadly she continues to suffer with a n eating disorder. It is essential to discuss related framework to identify and clarify the meaning of an analyzed concept. Walker & Avant (2005) define antecedents as events that must occur prior to the occurrence of the concept. In order for a therapy or treatment to be effective, there first must be a person with an injury or illness who seeks medical care. After an individual has gone to an emergency department, urgent care, or physicianââ¬â¢s office, they are evaluated by a healthcare team that includes a physician and nurse. Then, the healthcare team diagnosisââ¬â¢s the patient before deciding on the type of treatment warranted to treat their injury or illness. Itââ¬â¢s imperative to include the patient in deciding treatment as ââ¬Å"active patient involvement in medical decision making improves their quality of life and outcomes from treatmentâ⬠(Egger, 1995. p. 384). When a type of treatment has been determined, it may require the patient to legally consent. The patientââ¬â¢s healthcare team is responsible for informing them about the treatment and any associated risks that may occur as a result. Once the patientââ¬â¢s treatment is completed they will be evaluated by the healthcare team, thus resulting in a patient outcome. The consequences, or events that occur as a result of, are the outcomes of a concept (Walker & Avant 2011). The consequences effective medical treatment are improved health status, decreased need for health services, increased patient satisfaction, and healing. All of these outcomes are desired by the patient as well as the healthcare team. These outcomes can have a huge influence on healthcare by providing data for healthcare providers and individuals researching treatment options. ââ¬Å"Outcomes are the ultimate test of the effectiveness of medical care. Patient outcomes are clinical endpoints, functional status, general well-being, and satisfaction with medical careâ⬠(Coyle & Battles, 1999. p. 5). Empirical referents can be described as actual phenomena that by their actual existence or presence demonstrated the occurrence of a concept, in which is proven useful in instrument development (Walker & Avant, 2005). It is important to note that empirical referents measure and relate to the defining attributes of effective, not just the concept itself (Walker & Avant, 2011). Since effective (medical treatment) is subjective as well as objective, it is essential to consider both phenomena that occur with this concept. Improved health status is the most significant phenomena associated with effective health treatment, both subjectively and objectively, relating to the attribute of being free from illness or injury and quality of life. The healthcare team objectively considers a patientââ¬â¢s treatment as effective if it has cured illness, resolved injury, or improved quality of life. Scientific research provide healthcare providers with support in determining what medical treatment has proven effective. For patients, aside from being free of illness or injury, quality of life is typically the most important. There are many different treatments that cure illnesses, but sometimes alter a personââ¬â¢s quality of life. A patient can be in remission from cancer by receiving radiation and chemotherapy, but also causing a negative impact on their functionality, appearance, and general well-being. In order to determine how treatment has effected a patientââ¬â¢s quality of life, healthcare providers must formulate their own opinion based off of their knowledge of the patient and assess how the patient feels the treatment has impacted their life. Lastly, a patientââ¬â¢s use of medical services will be decreased or not needed at all. This analysis of the concept of effective medical treatment is defined as an outcome producing the intended or desired outcome. This concept has also shown to be complex, being that it is subjective as well as objective. Healthcare providers and patients must agree that the treatment was effective to the illness or injury. Effective medical treatment is achieved after a person with an illness or injury seeks medical attention and receives treatment for it. A review of literature on this concept concludes that to improve quality of life and patient satisfaction, the healthcare team must integrate the patientââ¬â¢s values and preferences about the intended treatment or therapy (Egger, 1995). References Coyle, Y. M., & Battles, J. B. (1999). Using antecedents of medical care to develop valid quality of care measures. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 11(1), 5-12. Effective. (n.d. a). In Retrieved from Effective. (n.d. b). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from Egger, M. (1995). Systematic reviews in health care: Meta-analysis in context. London: Wiley. Stedmanââ¬â¢s Medical Dictionary. (2006). Effectiveness. Retrieved from Walker, L., & Avant, K. (2005). Strategies for theory construction in nursing. (4th ed.). United States of America: Prentice Hall. Walker, L., & Avant, K. (2011). Strategies for theory construction in nursing. (5th ed.). United States of America: Prentice Hall. View as multi-pages
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Computer Technology During The 70ââ¬â¢s 80ââ¬â¢s And 90ââ¬â¢s Essay
Computer technology during the 70ââ¬â¢s 80ââ¬â¢s and 90ââ¬â¢s Computer technology took a great leap in development during the 70ââ¬â¢s when schools, businesses, and universities began to use computers. The 70ââ¬â¢s would have to be the beginning of the technology of computers, as we know it today. The personal computer became big in the 80ââ¬â¢s. Now computers are being updated daily, if not hourly. During the 70ââ¬â¢s computers and computer use began to become known by everyone. This period was a time for development and improvement. The 70ââ¬â¢s was where many things we use today were introduced; although what we have today is far more improved. This time wasnââ¬â¢t the beginning of all computers, but it was the beginning for many things, including the microprocessor, microcomputer, and the all so important, personal computer. In the early 70ââ¬â¢s we already had some types of computers which were developed in previous years. They consisted of a hard drive a type of keyboard and mostly a very small screen. Moving into the 70ââ¬â¢s we started developing more useful things like the floppy disk. This made it possible to store information onto a removable disk that could be transferred to other compatible computers. We also see the first microprocessor, which is a type of miniature electronic device that contains the arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry necessar y to perform the functions. Before it took large machines to hold this memory where now it can be programmed on a small chip. In this period we also see the first IBM laser printer and also the first IBM ink jet printer. Bill Gates and Paul Allen also introduce Microsoft during this time. A development during the late 70ââ¬â¢s and maybe the most important development during this time was the personal computer, also known as the PC. The PC is a computer designed for use by only one person at a time. A personal computer is a type of microcomputer, or in other words, a small digital computer that uses only one microprocessor. The first PC consisted of a CPU (central processing unit), memory a keyboard and a display screen. A typical personal computer today consists of a CPU, memory, consisting of hard magnetic disks and a disk drive, a display screen , keyboard, mouse, modem, printer, and external memory, usually in the form of floppy disks or CD-ROMs (compact disc read-only memory). The IBM 5100 Portable Computer was IBMââ¬â¢s first attempt to build a personalà computer back in 1974. Weighing in at 50 pounds and costing around $10,000, the IBM 5100 had a built-in tape drive, a small CRT and the capability of running programs in either BASIC or APL (A Programming Language, created by IBM). The monitor could display 16 lines of 64 characters each, the memory could be expanded to 64K, and the tape drive used a 1/4 inch tape cartridge similar to an 8-track stereo tape that could store about 200 K of data. Although designed to be a small business computer, the high cost and lack of interfacing capability limited the acceptance of what could be called the first personal computer, the IBM 5100. The 1980ââ¬â¢s were also an important time for computer technology. In this period we see many programs being introduced. The 70ââ¬â¢s was the main time for computer technology, but the 80ââ¬â¢s was the time for building onto what computing already was. During this time period computers started becoming more advanced, with more memory, faster loading time, and smaller devices, which hold even more memory. IBM, one of the largest computer companies during this time hired Microsoft to develop an operating system for their proposed personal computer. This is when Bill Gates and Microsoft develop Microsoft DOS (MS-DOS). Osborne hits big in 1980 with building the first portable computer ââ¬Å"Osborne I.â⬠Although they were going well for a while, in 1982 the Osborne Co. went out of business. The internet was first introduced in the mid 70ââ¬â¢s, but it wasnââ¬â¢t the internet as we know today. There were very few hosts, nothing like today. The 80ââ¬â¢s was the gateway into the internet of today. In 1984 the number of internet hosts broke 1000, 10,000 in 1987, and it broke 100,000 in 1989. Today there are millions. The new and improved mailing system is introduced, we know it as e-mail. IBM, Apple, Mackintosh were making upgrades on their systems monthly, making them faster and modernizing them slightly. Microsoft was a big factor in upgrading the computer system. In 1983 they introduced Windows, the most commonly used program today. Microsoft also introduces Dos 3.0
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on The Fall Of Rome
The Roman civilization began with the republic in 509 BCE. It grew to be a large empire by the rime or itââ¬â¢s fall in 476 CE. When Rome began it was helped to develop because it had many untapped resources, such as dense forests, rich, black soil, and large veins of rich minerals under the ground. Document number three shows that Rome was located in present day Europe. Europe is bordered by the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Adriatic Sea, and the Black Sea. The seas that surrounded the land made it ideal for trade. Even though the land was rich in resources and a good place for trade, it eventually fell in 476 CE. There are many different reasons that are used to explain the fall of Rome, powered by both internal and external forces. In the early 400s, there were many attacks on Rome, mainly from the Visigoths. This weakened Rome to a great extent. Rome had been used to being the most powerful area, and they had captured many other parts of the the world. They really did not realize, until it was too late, that they could be captured themselves. This is stated in document number one. In response to a growing need for protection, a new system called feudalism developed. Feudalism was a loosely organized system of rule in which powerful lords divided their large landholdings among the lesser lords. Feudalism helped to strengthen the weakened Rome somewhat, but not completely. An internal cause for the fall of Rome lay in their values. Document number seven states, ââ¬Å"...there is a growing lack of justice in judgments, skill in trades, discipline in daily life.â⬠This means that people were loosing sight of what they were meant to do. Their morals were slipping down steadily, and basically, everything was going downhill. Document number two shows why they were able to keep the Roman empire alive for so many years because they maintained the civil and military services. They were able to ... Free Essays on The Fall Of Rome Free Essays on The Fall Of Rome The Roman civilization began with the republic in 509 BCE. It grew to be a large empire by the rime or itââ¬â¢s fall in 476 CE. When Rome began it was helped to develop because it had many untapped resources, such as dense forests, rich, black soil, and large veins of rich minerals under the ground. Document number three shows that Rome was located in present day Europe. Europe is bordered by the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Adriatic Sea, and the Black Sea. The seas that surrounded the land made it ideal for trade. Even though the land was rich in resources and a good place for trade, it eventually fell in 476 CE. There are many different reasons that are used to explain the fall of Rome, powered by both internal and external forces. In the early 400s, there were many attacks on Rome, mainly from the Visigoths. This weakened Rome to a great extent. Rome had been used to being the most powerful area, and they had captured many other parts of the the world. They really did not realize, until it was too late, that they could be captured themselves. This is stated in document number one. In response to a growing need for protection, a new system called feudalism developed. Feudalism was a loosely organized system of rule in which powerful lords divided their large landholdings among the lesser lords. Feudalism helped to strengthen the weakened Rome somewhat, but not completely. An internal cause for the fall of Rome lay in their values. Document number seven states, ââ¬Å"...there is a growing lack of justice in judgments, skill in trades, discipline in daily life.â⬠This means that people were loosing sight of what they were meant to do. Their morals were slipping down steadily, and basically, everything was going downhill. Document number two shows why they were able to keep the Roman empire alive for so many years because they maintained the civil and military services. They were able to ... Free Essays on The Fall Of Rome The fall of Rome The fall of Rome wasnââ¬â¢t something that happened over night. The whole process lasted hundreds of years. Also, all of Rome did not disintegrate. Only the western half of Rome fell; for the eastern half was wealthier and less afflicted by barbarians and civil wars. There is no single reason for Romeââ¬â¢s decline. However, it can more or less be broken down into three parts. The Germanic tribes were responsible for a lot of the pressure on Romans at the time. The sporadic barbarian attacks left border regions destroyed and depopulated. In order to defend themselves they needed a stronger army so higher taxes and labor services were forced upon citizens causing middle and lower class people to hate the government because it had taken so much from them. Also during this time Peoples spiritual sense began to diminish. Their feeling of individuality and power of intellect became less and less. The urban upper class where the people who basically made the society work began losing interest in public life. The aristocrats hid inside the walls of their estates and did not lift a finger to help the situation. The townspeople were very angry and acted on this by avoiding public services and rarely putting up resistance against barbarian invaders. Many farmers viewed the Germans as liberators. The masses of the roman citizenry eventually gave up even though they outnumbered the barbarians. The roman government itself contributed to the spiritual malaise through its increasingly autocratic tendencies, which culminated in the regimented rule of Diocletian and Constantine. For many, the state had become the enemy, and its administration was hated and feared more than the Germans. In the late Roman Empire the quality of Roman soldiers and the legions failed to defend the borders. The army consisted predominately of ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hoop Dreams essays
Hoop Dreams essays The way out of the Ghettos Hoop Dreams The Movie Hoop Dreams Deals with the lives of two boys who are trying to acquire the American Dream through their skills in basketball. This documentary depicts the struggle of these African American children born into ghettos during the late twentieth century with their only venue out of the ghetto through their ability in basketball. The documentary also shows the racially and economically motivated treatment by a predominantly white school to these above average basketball players. This racially and economically based action, on part of the school, seems to be exemplified by the documentary style. One of the ways that this is achieved is through the comparisons of the two children. There are many juxtaposing incidents in the two boys lives, which creates great comparisons between the two boys lives. One of the main incidents is the scholarship money given to both William Gates as well as Arthur Agee. There is a full scholarship given to William Gates while Arthur Agee is only given half. The full money goes to the better player rather than that of the worse, which makes sense but the interesting thing is that at the end of the movie one can see that the money went towards the player who had less interest in basketball than the other did. Coming from a low-income household William Gates is not able to pay the full amount of money to attend the high school. In the documentary William Gates receives the full tuition grant by the Britannica Corporation, which was motivated by the private school. It shows that he had, at a younger age, more athletic ability than Arthur did. It also shows that the white school is only interested in the athletic ability of the African American Students. They did this while not taking into the account Arthur, as a person. This Documentary also portrays to the audience that William is the person to ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
History and Members of The Warsaw Pact
History and Members of The Warsaw Pact The Warsaw Pact was established in 1955 after West Germany became a part of NATO. It was formally known as the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance. The Warsaw Pact, made up of Central and Eastern European countries, was meant to counter the threat from the NATO countries. Each country in the Warsaw Pact pledged to defend the others against any outside military threat. While the organization stated that each nation would respect the sovereignty and political independence of the others, each country was in some way controlled by the Soviet Union. The pact dissolved at the end of the Cold War in 1991.à History of the Pact Afterà World War II, the Soviet Union sought to control as much of Central and Eastern Europe as it could. In the 1950s, West Germany was rearmed and allowed to join NATO. The countries that bordered West Germany were fearful that it would again become a military power, as it had been just a few years earlier. This fear caused Czechoslovakia to attempt to create a security pact with Poland and East Germany. Eventually, seven countries came together to form the Warsaw Pact: Albania (until 1968)BulgariaCzechoslovakiaEast Germany (until 1990)HungaryPolandRomaniaTheà Soviet Union The Warsaw Pact lasted for 36 years. In all of that time, there was never a direct conflict between the organization and NATO. However, there were many proxy wars, especially between the Soviet Union and the United States in places such as Korea and Vietnam. Invasion Of Czechoslovakia On Aug. 20, 1968, 250,000 Warsaw Pactà troops invaded Czechoslovakia in what was known as Operation Danube. During the operation, 108 civilians were killed and another 500 were wounded by the invading troops. Only Albania and Romania refused to participate in the invasion. East Germany did not send troops to Czechoslovakia but only because Moscow ordered its troops to stay away. Albania eventually leftà the Warsaw Pact because of the invasion. The military action was an attempt by the Soviet Union to oust Czechoslovakias Communist Party leader Alexander Dubcek whose plans to reform his country did not align with the Soviet Unions wishes. Dubcek wanted to liberalize his nation and had many plans for reforms, most of which he was unable to initiate. Before Dubcek was arrested during the invasion, he urged citizens not to resist militarily because he felt that presenting a military defense would have meant exposing the Czech and Slovak peoples to a senseless bloodbath. This sparked many nonviolent protests throughout the country.à End of the Pact Between 1989 and 1991, the Communist parties in most of the countries in the Warsaw Pact were ousted. Many of the Warsaw Pacts member nations considered the organization to be essentially defunct in 1989 when none assisted Romania militarily during its violent revolution. Theà Warsaw Pactà formally existed for another couple of years until 1991- just months before the USSR disbanded- when the organization was officially dissolved in Prague.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Enduring Value of History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The Enduring Value of History - Assignment Example The history of modern art dates back to 1880. Modern art broke from the restrictions of realism in art that was the norm in those days. Modern art embraced a subjective representation of real life objects. Modern artwork is more inclined to looking inwards and artists seek to portray the evolution of their subject over a period of time. According to Gregory, this form of art was targeted at showcasing the evolution of ideas over time and the impact of the society . Modern art evolved over time to present the changes in the society. Impressionism was the first form of modern art that deviated from the traditional aspects of art. The modern artists who practiced this style focused majorly on recreating the scene of the art and appealing to the emotional aspect of the painting. Cubism was more inclined towards finding strong forms for art work instead of just squares. The composition of the artwork was given prominence and primitive geometric shapes were not prioritized. The most vital aspect of modern art that is relevant to the requirements of Apperception is the use abstraction. Abstract art focuses on a feeling of thought that cannot be quantified and not necessarily a recognizable object. The paintings that applied this style showcased several layers of abstraction. The importance of this abstraction is that it spurs the mind to generate interpretations of the painting in several unique ways . Itââ¬â¢s a possibility to have a unique interpretation of the painting each time that he sees it.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Analyze the main reasons why companies decide to internationalize Assignment
Analyze the main reasons why companies decide to internationalize their activities - Assignment Example With the rush to globalize corporations on the increase, it is of great importance that the reasons behind this internationalization be analyzed. In the work of Rugman (2003), it is evident that corporations internationalize their businesses so as to remain competitive and relevant in the market. This form of networking is evident in the case of Chabros International Group that internationalized its markets so as to stay relevant in the tough economic times of the time (Farah, 2010). Additionally firms internationalize so as to fit in the current global economy (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2007). Relationships between varying firms are considered as networks that require co-existence and relationship between the varying complexes. For instance, the manufacturing industries have to create close links with production, distribution as well as service provision. In this case, internationalization is inevitable if a firm has to remain in the market. Mathis, Rogmans & Albqami (2011) say that there are many risks in the market including the political risk. With the financial and political risks on the rise, notable the global crisis of 2007, and unrests in Middle East and North Africa respectively, Mathis, Rogmans & Albqami (2011) indicate that there was need to change the macroeconomic policies in UAE and Saudi Arabia to reduce the impacts of global crisis on the economy. In this instance, there is need for internalization of the management base of the investors in multinational companies so as to reduce the liability of foreign investors, and the need to incorporate local partners in their corporations. Cavusgil, Ghauri & Sinkovics (2009) argue that corporations face stiff competition in the domestic market. Internalization for their markets gives them a chance to devise policies that will keep them running in such touch economic conditions. Through setting market policies, corporations are able to react to unforeseen threats from their foreign competitors, and as a
Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Violence - Research Paper Example The result of this force is death, injury or psychological harm (Krug & WHO, 2002). This definition indicates the mental shape of the perpetrator of violence against the victim be it their own self or another person. The army personnel are exposed to traumatizing experiences during war time. This makes them develop violent tendencies. In 2009, the United States Army documented that the suicide rates in the army had risen fourth year in a row as of 2008 (Finkel, 2011). This was especially high in the marines and the army. The statistics paint a grim picture of the situation that the soldiers find themselves in. They are exposed to death, both of their friends, as well as of the enemy. This is bound to leave a mark on them. One that is difficult to eliminate. This thus causes them to commit suicide as a possible way of exorcising the emotions haunting them. For example, in 1990, the prevalence of spousal violence was at a rate of 19 for every 1000 military families. This further rose to 26 in every 1000 couples, in 1996, but fell to 13 in every 1000 couples in 2004 (Karmen, 2013). According to Karmen, the things may seem to be improving in the army, but these statistics point to a worrying trend as the civilian population has a considerably lower rate of 3 in every 1000 married couples. These figures according to Karmen may be even higher as these are only reflecting the legal spouses who live within the army bases. As for those living off-base, the figures are not collected well thus there is no comprehensive record taking. In 2011, the CDC reported that women sustained 2 million injuries from intimate partners. This means that as of that year, violence was affecting women in very high rates. According to the CDC, the total social costs from violence amounted to between 5 and 10 billion dollars. The victims of violence who were recovering lost about 8 million paid working days,
HR Training class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
HR Training class - Essay Example e management must evaluate; who needs the training, where the training should happen, when the training will happen, why the training should happen, as well as, how it would happen. To accomplish this, the management must conduct analysis-using information that relates to the organizational goals and objectives, jobs and other tasks, which the employees need to learn, competences that the employees must possess to execute their duties effectively, as well as, the employees that the human resource should train. An effective needs assessment, program would help the management to direct resources to the areas that have the greatest demand. The needs assessment, program should help in addressing the needed resources as far as customer service is concerned. It should as well help in evaluating the needed resources as far as enhancing productivity, achievement of organizational goals, as well as, improvement of the quality of goods and services are concerned. A needs assessment in customer service entails identifying the gap between what the human resource expects from the employees and the actual performance, as far as customer service is concerned. Needs and assess ment, therefore, helps in closing the gap. The assessment within the small retail business would include three levels, which this paper will justify their need. The first level is organizational assessment. Organizational assessment determines the current performance of the organization, as far as, offering quality services to the customers is concerned. The assessment will help in identifying if the employees possess the right skills, abilities, knowledge or competencies in customer service. The assessment helps in solving problems present in customer service. Different businesses have different customer service needs. For example, a manufacturing company would have different customer service needs compared to a retail business. This reflects the importance of assessing the needs. In other words, it would
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Streptococcus pneumoniae Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Streptococcus pneumoniae - Essay Example They are readily stained with aniline dyes and are Gram positive. The capsule may be demonstrated as a clear halo. They have complex growth requirements and grow only in enriched media. They are aerobes and facultative anaerobes, the optimum temperature being 37à ºC. On blood agar after incubation for 18 hours, the colonies are small, dome shaped and glistening with an area of green discoloration along them. Some strains that develop abundant capsular material (types 3 and 7) form large mucoid colonies. Under anaerobic conditions, colonies on blood agar are surrounded by a zone of beta hemolysis due to oxygen labile hemolysin O. In liquid media, such as glucose broth, growth occurs as uniform turbidity. Streptoccocus pneumoniae ferment several sugars, forming acid only. Fermentation is tested in Hissââ¬â¢s serum water or aerum agar slopes. They are bile soluble. Bile solubility is a constant property and hence is of diagnostic importance. Pneumococci are catalase and oxidase nega tive. They are delicate organisms and are readily destroyed by heat and antiseptics. The most important anitigen of pneumococcus is the type specific capsular polysaccharide. Pneumococci isolated from lobar pneumonia were originally classified into 3 types, I, II, and III and a heterogenous group IV. Memebers of Group IV were later classified into types, and 90 different serotypes are recognized. Typing may be carried out by i) agglutination of the cocci with a type specific antiserum; ii) precipitation of the SSS with the specific antiserum; or iii) the capsule swelling reaction described by Neufeld (1902). An abnormal protein (beta globulin) that precipitates with the somatic ââ¬ËCââ¬â¢ antigen of the pneumonia, appears in the acute phase sera of cases of pneumonia but disappears during convalescence. On repeated subculture, pneumococci undergo a smooth-to-rough (S-R) variation. The virulence of pneumococci depends on its capsule and the production of called
The Effects of the Boundaryless Career on Individuals, Organisations Essay
The Effects of the Boundaryless Career on Individuals, Organisations and Society - Essay Example The paper tells that a boundaryless career can be defined in its simplest term as a career that crosses multiple boundaries in a non- linear manner or can also refer to career opportunities that extend beyond the boundary of a single employer. This is the direction that most careers in the 21st century have assumed. Globalization and technological advancement have been implicated in transforming the traditional career which assumed the organizational approach to boundaryless approach which entails movement across many employers and defiance of the traditional organizational assumptions that advocated for career advancement and hierarchy. Through intense training and skill development, individuals have been able to increase their productivity through job specialization that is doing what you know best while trying to diversify in order to remain relevant in the job market. It has also increased the social capital of individuals in the workplace. This refers to personal networks one ha s. Individuals have been working hard to increase these networks so as to increase their job security and stability. Boundaryless career also has its share of demerits on individuals. Some of the negative effects it has had on individuals are increased susceptibility to job insecurity or diminished sense of job security. This type of career lacks elements of job security and stability and this is evident because of its unstable nature and the ever-present mobile status. It also lacks steady increase in the level of income like the traditional organizational career. This is mostly contractual and so most of the time income stays constant. It also lacks status derived from positions.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Streptococcus pneumoniae Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Streptococcus pneumoniae - Essay Example They are readily stained with aniline dyes and are Gram positive. The capsule may be demonstrated as a clear halo. They have complex growth requirements and grow only in enriched media. They are aerobes and facultative anaerobes, the optimum temperature being 37à ºC. On blood agar after incubation for 18 hours, the colonies are small, dome shaped and glistening with an area of green discoloration along them. Some strains that develop abundant capsular material (types 3 and 7) form large mucoid colonies. Under anaerobic conditions, colonies on blood agar are surrounded by a zone of beta hemolysis due to oxygen labile hemolysin O. In liquid media, such as glucose broth, growth occurs as uniform turbidity. Streptoccocus pneumoniae ferment several sugars, forming acid only. Fermentation is tested in Hissââ¬â¢s serum water or aerum agar slopes. They are bile soluble. Bile solubility is a constant property and hence is of diagnostic importance. Pneumococci are catalase and oxidase nega tive. They are delicate organisms and are readily destroyed by heat and antiseptics. The most important anitigen of pneumococcus is the type specific capsular polysaccharide. Pneumococci isolated from lobar pneumonia were originally classified into 3 types, I, II, and III and a heterogenous group IV. Memebers of Group IV were later classified into types, and 90 different serotypes are recognized. Typing may be carried out by i) agglutination of the cocci with a type specific antiserum; ii) precipitation of the SSS with the specific antiserum; or iii) the capsule swelling reaction described by Neufeld (1902). An abnormal protein (beta globulin) that precipitates with the somatic ââ¬ËCââ¬â¢ antigen of the pneumonia, appears in the acute phase sera of cases of pneumonia but disappears during convalescence. On repeated subculture, pneumococci undergo a smooth-to-rough (S-R) variation. The virulence of pneumococci depends on its capsule and the production of called
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Making of the Korean War and Its End Term Paper
The Making of the Korean War and Its End - Term Paper Example With the help of communists, North Korea was sure of a swift win in South Korea and never thought that the United States would come to the assistance of South Korea in time. However, the South Korean communists had been suppressed harshly with no chance of helping North Korea forces. After successfully defeating the South Korean army and on the brink of winning, a combined United States and United Nations forces attacked North Korean forces successfully pushing North Korean forces past the 38th parallel. Kim had grossly underestimated the United States armed forces capacity in the region and the U.S commitment to Ryeeââ¬â¢s government. North Korea invaded South Korea starting the civil war in which Koreans fought each other on their own soil. Had Kim not invaded the south the civil war would not have started but still it could not have been fought if the communist Russians and the United Nations had not divided the country at the 38th parallel splitting the country into an industr ial north and an agricultural south after World War II. North Korea had a superior army and quickly overwhelmed the South Korean Forces. With military support from Stalin and blessings from Mao, South Korea could not hold long, and they did not; they had a weaker army and were not prepared for war. North Koreaââ¬â¢s leader had unified his country with swift reforms and nationalistic policies, which increased his popularity in contrast to Ryees government, which had embarked on a campaign to root out communists. It was his unification ambition and his brutal leadership that had prevented the United States from strengthening his military strength. Kimââ¬â¢s army had the support of the Soviet Union and without Stalinââ¬â¢s support; he would have delayed his attempts at unifying Korea through military means. Why Did United States and Russia Interfere In The War? Failing to unify their country due to bad communications and different ideologies, Kim and Ryee had to involve extern al powers to unite Korea. Stalin initially did not support Kim in attacking South Korea, he changed his mind when Chinaââ¬â¢s communist took chinaââ¬â¢s leadership and the Soviet Union acquired and tested their first atomic bomb. NATO was established when Russiaââ¬â¢s relation with the west was very poor. They could not support the war because the countryââ¬â¢s sovereignty was threatened by the west and he did not want to aggravate the situation1. The atomic bomb made the Soviets more secure and hence they stopped being concerned with the reaction of the United States if they actively supported the war. The United States could have attacked the Soviet Union from the south but through Acheson statements America weakening involvement in Asia was evident. Russia wrongly interpreted this as a weakening of the United States military capabilities and influence around the region. If Russia did not have the capability to defend itself against the west, Stalin would not have cons ented to the war. The increasing communist successes in the region concerned the United States government. Communist governments spread would weaken their influence in the region. If South Korea had suppressed North Koreas attack, Washington would not have a valid reason to attack. By defending the South Korea nationalistic government, it would empower the people through democracy, but Bruce Cumings disagrees claiming that the United States and South Korea committed sustained atrocities during the war. He claims that many unarmed civilians were shot
Monday, October 14, 2019
Examining The Leadership And Change Management Of Barclays Bank
Examining The Leadership And Change Management Of Barclays Bank Barclays Bank Europe, America, Africa and Asia is a vast presence, both for individuals and businesses provides a wide range of services.à Barclays has a long history that covers three hundred years, and its head office from London, that this operation fifty countries and 155,000 employees to offer more care. Barclays Bank lends, investment and more than 48 million people around the world for money does. Earliest roots of Barclays 1690, when Thomas Gold and silversmith John Freame Central London working as a bank to go back to start.à Seventy years later, the goldsmith bankers went into a major banking house, and later with nineteen other private banking concerns, the name Barclays and Company Limited, which reserves a set of 182 branches thus a major à £ 26à with funds provided under the Bank joined the million.à Barclays and the company is so often used Quaker Bank; At this point in time, Barclays and company family and religious links with the community was involved. Turn of the twentieth century, Barclays and the company started expanding rapidly, such as Bolithos Bank and United Counties Bank mdlyndz England South West taking a significant banks.à By 1918, Barclays Bank and Company in London South West Bank and Provincial Bank in the UK with one in five largest banks had to be. Barclays Bank of Japan until 1925, the Anglo Egyptian Bank and National Bank of South Africa with the merger had become a truly international organization.à Through a business deal that resulted in major Middle East, Africa and West Indies. Barclays Bank has always been an innovative company.à Barclays in 1966 before serving a UK credit card bank has become.à Next year in this world was the first bank of its users and to provide cash machines by 1972, her first TV ad was trying to become bank.à Barclays Bank UK end of the twentieth first century Tokyo and New York stock exchanges are listed bank shares has become, and it resulted in 2006 in which a high speed currency profits were 50% completeà is being moved outside the UK. Current events Reuters reported that the British government three banks, including Barclays, which over à £ 7 billion may seek 40 billion lbs (69 billion dollars) will admit.à Barclays later confirmed that his government rejected the proposal and instead of 6.5 billion pounds of new capital (à £ 2 billion dividend cancellation and by 4.5 billion pounds from private investors) will bear. In January 2009 according to press reports may need more capital and that the government agreed to fund this can be because it failed to do so by the State of Qatar in the past under investment rulesà may have been a third party which shares much in October 2008 ordered compensation for them without receiving more money into Qataris. In March 2009 it was reported in 2008, Barclays insurance this preparation with AIG received billions of dollars, provided by the United States to bail out AIG Fund include 8.5bn $.à 12 June 2009, Barclays Global Investors this unit, which includes an exchange of funds business, iShares, 13.5bn $ BlackRock business sold for.à In October 2009 the Standard Life Standard Life Bank Plc Barclays Plc sold.à 1 January 2010 completed sales.à 11 November 2009, Barclays and First Data, information technology to global trade, according to Barclays, which released the first data and consumer finance departments within the card platform will move is a compromiseà .13 February, 2010 Barclays announced that more than 2 billion pounds in bonuses will pay. About leadership Leadership to achieve a desired goal all about harnessing people power and so the idea of leadership for organizational context can not be restricted.à This society through all the realms pervades, whether politics, religion or in corporate. Definition of leadership à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ define leadership as we can: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ â⠬à George R. Terry to impress people for the purposes of the Working Group. Live happily. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ â⠬à interpersonal then use it and receive special purposes in the direction of guidance through the process of dialogue is the effect.à Robert Tannenbaum. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ â⠬à leadership of the affected people to achieve a common goal is to follow them Koontz ODonnell. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ â⠬à leadership is a process under which a person influences others praised the success of group or organizations goals by members of the group.à Baron and Greenberg à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ clear definition as above all of Western ideas is concerned.à This is because, with a structured course of study and analysis as a formal sector leadership has been established yet in India because it is in Western countries. Leadership theories Great man theory Great man is the duty of principles including leadership ability that great leaders are born not made.à Their most daring ideas, mythic and leadership needed to increase the fixed bynqab is as great leaders.à The term great man used because, at that time, leadership quality as a man thought about basic military leadership, especially in terms of, was. Logos theory Some ways similar great man theory, theory assumed that symptoms of some features and attributes that lead them to better Validating inheritance.à Symptoms often views a particular personality or behavior by leaders identified common features.à But important features of specific leadership traits, how we who owns these properties but do not utter a leader?à This question led symptoms using theories to explain the difficulties is one.à Many researchers have demonstrated successful leadership traits like leadership, but not always sure they are doing is a place of high honor, sir.à It was observed that more than 100 researchers recorded symptoms such hardly10% 5 or more study is published.à Written test or tests near symptoms by priority to the selection procedure is taken.à This notion is the biggest problem that we led ordinary or global attributes can not. Unexpected ideas Environment, especially that particular style of leadership which best situation is probably better for variables related attraction leadership contingency theories.According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all circumstances.à Variable success of leadership style and followers of various aspects of the situation, including the large number of features depends on.à Unexpected behavior rule is a rule that has no better claim to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to decide is a kind of way.à Instead, the process maximum course contingent on internal and external situation (depending) is.à Many unexpected approach being developed concurrently in the late 1960s.à He suggested that bureaucracy is as Weber and Taylors management theories in the past failed because they ignored his management style and organizational structure of the environment was affected by different aspects: unexpected elementà .à Or organization for leadership there one best way can not.Historically, contingency theory that formal structures are usually associated with, or better able to use different techniques to develop about broad generalizations have tried.à View the work of Joan Woodward (1958), which says that technology directly control period, authority centralization, and formalization of rules and procedures as an organization to determine the different properties began withà . Feedback conditions Circumstances change theories suggest that leaders on the situation the best way of action is selected.à Different style of leadership decision-making for specific types may be more appropriate.à This approach features the specific circumstances or environment is operating more on a guide emphasizes.à Leadership qualities vary from status or circumstances, and that any traits or leadership skills in the right conditions can become a standard. Behavior theories Behavioral theories of leadership is the belief that great leaders made, not born but are based.à Build its leadership in behaviorism theory, not leaders on mental qualities or internal states focuses on the works.à According to this theory, people become leaders through education and monitoring can learn. PARTICIPATIVE views Participative leadership theories suggest that the ideal leadership style one that takes account of other peoples input.à Their leaders by group members encourage and support participation and contribution of members of the group decision-making process more relevant and committed to do.à participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow others input Management ideas Management ideas (as well as Transactional theories is said) organization and group supervision focusing on the role of performance.à Rewards and punishment system based on principles of leadership.à Management concepts often used in business and when employees are successful, they are rewarded when they fail, they are reprimanded or punished. Related ideas Related concepts (as well as ideological change is said) establish relations between leaders and followers focus on.à Transformational leaders encourage and help members of the group the importance of encouraging people and seeing more good work.à The leaders of the group members are focused on performance, but also want each person to fulfill his or her potential with the style leader often has high moral and ethical standards. Leadership style Leadership style to provide direction, planning process, and how to inspire people and have vision.à U.S. Army book, 1973 led to identify three ways: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ push aside the dictatorial or Member PARTICIPATIVE à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ or democratic à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ DELEGATIVE or Free State Although good leaders with one of these three styles are used, usually dominate, bad leaders want to stay with a style.à Barclays Bank is using the three leadership styles. Push aside the dictatorial or AUTICRATIC The style used when the leader your employees what he wants and how he wants without the advice of her followers have done is told.à Use some appropriate conditions is that when you all are aware of this problem, youre short on time, and your employees are also encouraged.à Some people run, demeaning language, using and led by threats and abusing their power as a car want to think about this scene.This is not push aside the dictatorial style but for someone abuse, unprofessional style bossing around people called.à A leader has no place in stock. Push aside the dictatorial style usually only be used on rare occasions.à If you have more time and commitment from their employees and want to get excited, you should use the participative style. PARTICIPATIVE or democratic -Style decision-making process of this type (determining what is and how to do) but including one or more employees are leaders. However, the leader maintains final decision making authority.à Use this style is not a sign of weakness, but strength of your employees will respect the signals.à It usually used when you share information, and in other parts of your employees is.à A leader is not expected to know everything thats why you employ staff with knowledge and capable.à The style is of mutual benefit using its employees to become part of the team allows you better and allows you to decide. DELEGATIVE or Free State In addition, non-intervention, interference in the affairs of others is not known.à This style, the leader allows employees to decide. However, MP is still responsible for such decisions are made.à When employees use it to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how it is able to do it.à All you can do anything!à Set your priorities and specific tasks must Representative. To use a lot that you blame others when things can go wrong but a scene is used below when you people be confident and sure style.à One to use it, however, should not be afraid to be effective, it will be used properly!à Here a number of different ways, or to leadership and management style and various mfruzun principles are based.The style that individuals use their beliefs, values and priorities will be based on a combination, as well as organizational culture and norms, which encourage anyone, and will discourage others. In this regard, the following different approach can be classified under the head. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ CHRISMATIC leadership à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ PARTICIPATIVE leadership à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ conditions under à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ TRANSACTIONAL leadership à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ TRANFOMATIONAL leadership à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ a quiet leadership à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Servant leadership Circumstances under which the organization decided to change the IMPLEMNT Organization change in the environment is like to face different challenges Absence of group skills Any organization is the most important skills that will increase its utility is established.Todays changing business environment and who were alive in the changing environment is efficient is.à The manager responsible for a positive change for others and encourage team work that the construction will change.à Not changing the rapid development of the other members easy environment manager accepts the need for change.à He helps them to understand new techniques and procedures.à You get good ideas but very real thing is accepted methods can be translated into these views.Measures the success of any change depends on approval. Lack of enthusiasm and encouragement To maximize movement between employees, managers need to think in terms of flexibility.à Yes, it needs to encourage employees.à Need to encourage employees in a diverse way of awards) ranks.à Manager of the most important goal of capacity development to help their employees and their development work on the various organizational areas provide a variety of learning experiences offered by can do so.1980 primary aspect of this work which various work skills to recognize the importance of work, autonomy, and feedback including Hackman point out One thing that an employees activities and art a number of different skills can use a variety of needs.à This full and identifiable piece of work requires the completion of his life or other peoples work had considerable influence.à If these things work in a person so important, precious and valuable as his or her work will see.à Job autonomy to the owner for work results of my personal responsibility to a sense of duty, and it provides that if a work is the opinion of staff know how effectively he or she will performà .Encouraging to see from the perspective, these important dimensions shows that received internal awards when an employee shows that he or she is personally any work or they do not care that he has shown good performance onà are.à These conditions is one thing more, grater encourage employee performance and satisfaction and reduce his or her absence or resignation of the features and potential.à High growth with a highly individual experience serious psyc hological states and respond positively when their employment at the basic aspects of development is likely to include people need. Conflict Management A conflict between members of the organization ever arises.à This conflict is not always bad because sometimes good, with team conflict will learn more members, their problems in depth and would also give the most appropriate solution can understand.à Conflicts in the era of globalization teams identify and work success without sacrificing speed successful strategy decided.à But most times conflict results slow down work to success and effectiveness of control strategies will reduce.à An identity that are the root causes of conflict?à Some of these ideas and expectations, lack of information, uncertainty about roles with regard to personal differences are. The following are some points that help to deal with conflict are à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ always work a lot of information. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Facts should primarily focus on. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ more than one alternative should be developed. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Everyone should be a goal. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ decision process is injecting humor. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ resolve issues without forcing consensus. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ maintain a balanced structure of power. Power and politics Power is the ability to control the environment.à If they decide he has power and can work.à If an employee has the right without any instructions can work.à Sometimes very empowering for the organization is very important.à An organization where employees empowered, they observed each other, to correct improper procedures are responsible for, in.à Manager quickly empower your employees are led through.à The decision to increase staff discretion is involved.à Millions of employees work the most important decisions that directly affect their work are.à Activities until very recently they only work part of the manager as seen particularly busy.à Due to empower more employees to those companies who know about the problems are most urgent to need to make decisions.à If organizations successfully competing in a dynamic global economy, they make decisions and change is immediately enforceable.à Increased work demands, managers have to deal with peoples empowerment.à When employees are skilled, knowledge and experiences to their work competently and when they want autonomy and internal locus of control property, it can be beneficial. Rapid changes Organizational change because of changes in internal and external environment are for.à These changes in order for the organization must be flexible to adjust. Diverse workforce Problems faced by another organization organizational goals emulation members work in various organizational efforts are coordinated.à Todays diverse workforce organization gender, race, nationality, age and other characteristics in terms that reflect differences in the more heterogeneous are the property.à Organization requires a large labor force more capacity to meet market demand will be.à Employees do not set their cultural values and lifestyle preferences when it comes to work.à The challenge is for managers, so their organization more different lifestyle, family needs, work style and by addressing different groups of people are accommodating.à Smart managers understand that diversity can be an asset because a companys ideas and problem solving skills is a wide and extra help organizations better understand a diverse customer can. Globalization Management is now forced by national borders.à Globalization is the major importance, and certainly the world has become global village.à All sizes and types worldwide organization manager in the world market is facing challenges to work.Manager of environmental factor like this) ranks due to challenges in the face of doing business.à That, to organize effectively plan, control and should lead cultural differences around the world are successfully managed. General barriers in an organization Organization requires a different kind of talent, but sometimes it happens that the organization has expertise but still not working as it should.à In many cases, the administration is not sensitive to change.à Best use of creative enough potential employees are not put.à The main obstacle is lack of vision to prevent the company to complete use of resources is one.à One to identify problems and potential solutions should be.à If manager for success is the ability to identify opportunities for the development of this will be a barrier.à If creative solutions if administration is not able to identify the long term this will be a problem for the organization.à Another problem that hinders organizational development, not all members are able to deal with the changing environment.à Some rules and values of each organization and its members have to follow the rules and values.à All members would be sensitive to change in this business that change is constant everywhere s hould be the member must change. Effective management Effective management is about: candidates with complete knowledge and create space. To increase productivity , more opportunities should be encouraged. In his current role of the workers to staff growth performance . The best staff performance Increased his wife for. Employee empowerment is very popular term, its growth and change for any organization is important.à Empowering employees for the organization leads to the best results.à Business generally agree that empower employees and increase productivity of the organization and its employees are loyal to the organization. Empowered employees provide better products and services When employees have a right to feel that he is powerful and is more confident.à The trust then leads to better products and services.à Organization for the development and empowerment programs to deal with the changing nature is critical.à Improve its performance and employees are the property of their jobs and products and services for our customers will take delivery.à He is the organization where customer interface is the customer service level. Empowered employees are loyal Whatever situation, more employee business owners, do not like the selection, and training is very expensive.à If employees during organizational change based on organizational development and its commitment to ensure loyalty of employees are right there.à Empowered employees take ownership and pride in their jobs when they know that they needed to exercise independent judge can. Empowered employees are productive When employees feel valued and that they considered their decision and management want to hear their ideas, they work harder to prove yourself right.Organizational development programs to help employees to implement measures included calls for.à And this will increase productivity. Empowered employees create good ideas With every employee got some ideas.à They have different skills can be.à If they share their views and their right to manage development and change management decisions can provide important insight.à He regularly using modern methods can get different products.à Really effective organization development and organization change programs are interested, they acknowledge and reward their employees and give feedback on a regular basis. Empowered employees spread the word Organizational pride if they increased staff development and change program will be strong.à The more empowered employees are more satisfied and more likely that the word is how the company will for others are spread.à We Barclays and Lehman Brothers statement further from unity will discuss. Barclays and Lehman Brothers One Global financial services provider Barclays in 2008 to improve its market to U.S. Lehman Brothers acquired.à Major problems had occurred while the overall Business interruption à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ customers move to other banks at least à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ two different business culture Lehman brothers à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Motivation of staff Agent as a CAHNGE Effective handling of problems The first step to solve this problem is to identify the cause of the problem.à Sometimes the problem with employees by talking common behavior problems such minor or occasional tardiness, etc. There is a problem coaching manager or with the other employees directly between them work to resolve the issue with employeesà What is an agreement by which a solution can be.à With this opinion for employees to improve their performance to provide is the responsibility of leaders.à Coaching requires time and patience and his behavior was a result of employees will. Poor performance Sometimes an employees expertise but still he does not perform well.à The reason he is upset or unsystematic can or is reckless.à This one can be removed through proper guidance.à But if lack of expertise because of poor performance by additional training can be corrected. Job incompatibility Sometimes this happens due to poor performance of the employees that work according to their abilities was not found.à Their skills are not synchronized or assigned to work with are not compatible.à This problem can be resolved through additional training or set them different work. Dirty work Whenever you feel some of the mistakes that employee errors, point made and closely monitoring their work.à It still they have made a mistake, talk to them and being careless or because they do not work properly due to or try to find out.à But all this one must be positive and know how important it is that the company should have employees. Create an effective message Consider the needs of everyone in the organization and design according to your message so that they understand what you are saying can.à Employee performance depends more on your message.à An effective message will have a great effect on the performance of employees.à A face to face talks will be more appropriate to accept change and support staff can do. Listen to your employees Change management is vital to employee feedback.à Encourage your employees by e-mail or the Internet can provide information.à Successful management of change communication on the basis of stone.à You and your initial conversation with most employees need to understand their message. Stakeholders involved in the change process Investors and business partners and suppliers This change management process influenced by investors to gain their capital investment, but with the old policy did not get that much benefit.à So to achieve their goals for change management process include. Bank employees Bank staff involved in change management process and against the change process because by the old policy is used to work on. Customer Customers included in the change process and change is in favor because they want immediate results and innovation in the organization, they want this change process to be affected. Government and NGO Government and non-governmental organizations and the way government organizations from more taxes and profit in an organization is not, then how they take more taxes and duties if other obligations expected to have affected.à On the other hand non-governmental organizations ask for help from organizations.à If they are not in a good position with the lot will affect their departments for the betterment of the organization want the process of change. 8 step change model is KOTTER Only constant is change. Heraclitus, Greek philosopher Max was true two thousand years ago, just as is true today.à We in a world where business as usual is changing lives in.à New initiatives, project-based work, technology improvements, ahead to stay competitive these things together as we continue to work for changes to run. Whether you a small change in one or two steps, or a systemwide change an organization are considered, it seems normal anxiety and fear of the scale of challenge. You need to change it, but you are supplying How to not really know about.à Where do I start?à How do you add?à You saw how to end by? How to change there are many ideas are about.à Many leadership and change management guru, John Kotter start with.à Harvard Business School and one of the worlds leading experts Professor of change, Kotter 1995 in his books eight step change process began, Leading Change.à We changed under the leadership of the eight steps to look at. Step One: Create instant To be changed, it helps if the whole company really want to do it.à Need for change around developing a sense of immediate.à These things help you get the initial transmission can spark enthusiasm. It is not only poor people figures show sales or talk about the matter more competitive.à That with the market and your competition is about a honest and open dialogue at ease.à Many proposed changes if you start talking about the immediate construction, and can feed on itself. What you can: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ identify potential hazards, and can be expressed in the future development of the situation. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ testing opportunities, or, should be exploited. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ honest debate started, and dynamic and at ease talking to people and get to thinking of. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ customers, stakeholders and industry people out requested support to strengthen your argument. Two steps: form a powerful alliance Persuade people to change is necessary.à The most strong leadership and key people within your organization expressed by supports.
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